or a hill - doesn't have to be Everest

There’s no doubt about it. Standing on . a mountain in some far-flung wild place is good for your soul. *
Wild Cycles' aim is to bring wild and exceptional riding experiences to a wider and more diverse audience. Quite often that includes a mountain, hill or few.
Whether it's a chilled winter social spin into Chiltern Hills, the iconic King Alfred's Way or the now legendary Wild Wales Gravel Festival - the key ingredients for a wild and wholesome experience are: the locations set in stunning natural surroundings; the views - oh yeah must have fabulous n far reaching views; mountains, hills; big skies and a unique programme of events such as dreamy folksy music and West African drumming workshops ... that's it.

Our events are of-course centred on riding them sublime routes. And that's all about the planning, testing, testing and testing again...

Whilst designed to make wild adventures accessible to a wider audience they also encourage adventurous folk to give-it-a-go and provide the opportunity to step out of the comfort of their comfort zone and experience something and some place new and exciting. Maybe venturing into fun type 2 territory? ( check out our article on FUN TYPES where we explore how these can lead to new discoveries and possibilities).

It is for this reason that so much goes into route design, planning, recce'ing, reviewing, re-recce'ing and re-re-recce'ing of routes to maximise your riding pleasure!
We are so fortunate in having a bunch of fun-loving and skilled route maestros who are super skilled at virtually navigating the virtual terrains on komoot which is combined with local knowledge and guidance to kick start the design process.

This is followed by multiple test rides and seemingly endless refinements to make sure each route has the perfect blend of a challenge (to varying degrees), a variety of terrains and landscapes, and them sublime jaw-dropping views from on high.

This often involves a load of stopping, starting, back-tracking, observation, walking, talking and photographing.
Back at base - routes are debated and tweaked before the next recce round. And so it goes on - until the perfect route is ready to roll out with all the essential components.

But...there's more magic that happens off the bike
The experience would not be wholesome without the essential post-ride camp vibes which give time and space to bring people together to unwind, share, reconnect and connect.
And it goes without saying the food is rave-worthy and fully delicious.
"The team has really got it right for a completely different style of cycling experience. More about immersion in the countryside and a real feeling of community and inclusively sitting around the camp fire listening to everyone's tales from the trails. I'll definitely be coming back. Thanks for welcoming us into your family..." Stephen N
If you are joining us for a truly wild experience we are quite sure you'll love it. Expect a sublime river-side basecamp surrounded by stunning views of the surrounds, free access to the wood-fired sauna and plunge pool fed by our very own waterfall....
Share delicious, wholesome food and brews, fireside vibes with a bunch of welcoming fun-loving people.
Or check out the full 2024 programme of adventures
John Muir (1838-1914). Scots-born conservationist: activist, writer, explorer, campaigner for wild places.
Photography: Jonathan Heard, Matt Bark, Rik Allen